Trail riding in a side by side is certainly fun, but not following the rules can result in some pretty serious injuries. We here at M2 Outdoors want all of our customers to enjoy a safe, fun time out on the trails. That’s why our experts have put together this list of side by side trail riding tips.

Stick to Designated Trails

While exploring off the beaten path may seem like fun, it’s actually very dangerous. Not only will going off trail result in harm to the environment when your UTV tramples the vegetation, but you risk harm to yourself if your side by side falls in a ditch or encounters an obstacle it’s not equipped to handle. In addition, going off trail while riding on state or federal land will result in a serious fine. Don’t forget that these trails were created for a reason!

Safety Equipment

You and anyone riding with you should be fully equipped with the proper safety equipment. This includes a helmet, goggles that offer anti-fog/UV protection, and full-length clothing to help protect your skin. 

Be Polite

Always be courteous while trail riding. Whenever you encounter other riders, use the proper right of way and inform them of how many people will be following after you. When deferring, move as far as you safely can. You should also alert other riders if trail conditions are poor. Finally, be on the lookout for people stopped on the side of the trail. If they just look like they’re taking a photo, leave them be, but if they appear to be having mechanical or medical issues, give them some help.  

Shop side by sides at M2 Outdoors. Our dealerships in Dexter and Kennet, Missouri offer convenient access to communities like Cape Girardeau and Poplar Bluff, Missouri. We also have servicing, parts ordering, and financing.